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How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet

  • Start Komodo Mobile Wallet app

  • Click "RESTORE" button

How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet
  • Give a memorable name to your wallet and press "LET'S GET SET UP!"
How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet
  • Select "Allow custom seed" and paste or type your seed words

Make sure to include spaces in your seed, just as before.

If you would like to see what you are typing, click on the eye icon on the right to make the field visible.

  • Once ready, press the "CONFIRM" button
How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet
  • Create a password to encrypt your seed

Make sure to use strong password with a combination of at least one capital letter, one small letter, a symbol, and numbers.


If normal encryption takes longer on your phone, enable "Fast encryption" and try again.

How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet
  • Create a PIN

In the next two steps you will be asked to provide a custom six digit PIN. You will need this PIN every time you want to access Komodo Wallet.

How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet

Upon completion, Komodo Mobile Wallet returns you to the dashboard.

How to Restore Wallet Using Komodo Mobile Wallet